Blue Moon Furniture

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Nuit Blanche 2015

On the night of Nuit Blanche, Blue Moon had the absolute honour of hosting two of Manitoba's most original thinkers- Nicole Bennett and Kaoru Ryan Klatt. 

Nicole Bennett lives with her husband and daughter in St. Andrews, Mb, in their off-grid, eco-architecture home, commonly known as Manitoba's Earthship.  She spoke at Blue Moon on the night of Nuit Blanche to an enthusiastic audience about the building materials, building process, and lifestyle, of the Earthship. The Earthship is constructed almost entirely of recycled materials, including wine bottles, beer cans, and recycled tires. After watching the documentary Garbage Warrior- which is about the American architect Michael Reynolds who built the first Earthship in New Mexico in 1970- they were inspired to build their own Earthship, here in Manitoba. 

Nicole was so convincing, that most, if not all of our guests are looking forward to building their own in the spring!